If you’ve been reading this blog, you’ll notice that I haven’t been posting much lately.
If you’ve been writing this blog, you’ll notice that I haven’t been posting much lately, either, but you’re OK with it, since you’ve been prioritizing the rest of life, and since the role of this creative outlet is one of journal, where you think through your journey, aloud. This open ruminating on the odd intersection of personal development and Agility ultimately serves me. I am unabashedly the target audience.
(But he said in the title that he’s writing a book… tell us about THAT!)
If you’ve been reading this blog, y’might’ve picked up on this, especially when the post has a weak start, or an otherwise incongruent one. (…or takes too damn long AT the start…)
If you’ve been writing this blog, y’might’ve reveled in this, (especially when you use the medium to parenthetically interject snarky inner monologue) especially when you come to an epiphany in the middle of the post, and then awkwardly writing it in to maybe make it seem like it was all part of the plan.
If you’ve been reading this blog (Oh good. That writing device was getting old.)
After almost 8 years, I’m realizing I’ve written more than I thought, both in raw content and in content I find useful or meaningful to me, and now I’d like to tie it together, writing something in a less ad hoc manner, an effort that’ll span more than the blog post’s average of two early morning quiet sessions at my desk. Yet this effort is intended to share one key aspect of the blog. This book on the odd intersection of personal development and Agility ultimately serves me. I am unabashedly the target audience.
Let me clarify, mostly for myself. The process of writing this book will be more valuable to me than the output.
You’ll find this a theme when chatting up an Agile Coach, like myself. The main purpose of a team coming up with a Working Agreement isn’t the document itself (while useful, it’s secondary), but the conversations that went into it. The main purpose of Story Point Estimation isn’t to agree on a number, but to stimulate discussion to reach a good enough understanding on what you’re about to do. So… The main purpose of this book isn’t to help others on their journeys, and make money off of sales, and to garner speaking engagements, and to star in my own TED Talk, and to make me an EGOT winner for its varied adaptations, but to learn about who I am and who I want to be.
If you’ve been reading this blog, thank you. Have a cortado with me some time.
If you’ve been writing this blog, thank you. Now go drink a cortado and stop procrastinating on the part of the book-writing process where y’gather all the things you want to say. You have a rough outline – you can do this!
(Yes we can.)
Happy 2019! May you enjoy all the adventures it brings.
(And any impeachments.)