My Morning Affirmations

‘Twas a simpler time, 2013. I was a couple of years into my ScrumOfOne adventure. The year started with my girlfriend ‘n’ I looking at engagement rings. The Boston Marathon bombing happened, and that same day, after rushing home to find her OK, calmly watching Mad Men after having done her taxes, I asked her to marry me.

2012 was an even simpler time for me. My girlfriend moved in halfway through the year, into a 550 sq. ft. apartment in Boston’s Back Bay, which meant, now that I think about it, the below was written before then. The below was written when I had space to sprawl out notes before conglomerating them onto the back of a business card of a failed venture.

I discovered the below while cleaning the archeological site known as my desk. Holding the business card like a newly discovered Dead Sea Scroll, this artifact revealed how Past-Merrill… really gave a shit. He went through all his notes, archived across journals and Google Docs and physical folders of significance, to squeeze the below onto something portable, ironically to never leave the desk.

Past-Merrill would read the below before hitting the gym, all 23 items.

Past-Merrill would read one item on that card before going to bed.

Here is what was on that card, in all its eagerness and hope.

  • shower
  • dress as the man I want to be
  • Sprintly Press Release
  • ritualistic tradition
  • Be a man of action every day!
  • output something
  • will to done
  • the 1 thing I accomplish today
  • 1 meaningful thing
  • 1 thing towards vision
  • 1 story (/point) per day
  • believe in my daily system each day
  • take initiative at start of day to set tone
  • do something exciting
  • desires have to be burning
  • do 1 thing that is intentional action
  • live like a millionaire
  • each day is my last
  • don’t have a fine day
  • make waves
  • stay in trouble
  • Imagine a life where all my time is spent on the things I want to do.
  • stop desiring (outside), simply will (r. available)
  • night: “There goes another day of my life, never to return again.”

Nowadays I have 2 morning affirmations. Here’s one.

I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.

Brian Tracy

Here’s the other, a more personal amalgamation, with a dash of Jordan Peterson at the end.

I am: enough, literally manifesting dreams, standing up straight with my shoulders back.

Present-Day-Merrill ain’t got time to read a 23-item saga each morning like 2012-Merrill did… that guy didn’t have a kiddo waking up a li’l after dawn to play with.

Some of that list useful for ya? Please steal.